Pinned: Evercade Releases and Rumor Central
Scroll down for the release list.
As we approach the end of 2022, we're back into the realm of delays, thankfully smaller this year with October's releases pushed into November. The Evercade EXP model is listed on Amazon UK but has been pushed back to December 15th, but still in time for Christmas.
October Update: Amiga brand mentioned a partnership with Evercade at their #Amiga37 expo. Would be good for recent indies like Cecconoid or Metro Siege!
Halfway through 2022 and Evercade has dropped a couple of great pieces of news with the new portable Evercade EXP adding more power and features to the handheld model. That and a stronger looking arcade lineup, plus the new home computer range led by a C64 collection suggest great things heading into 2023.

If you're new to the system and wondering about Evercade, here's my review of the Premium Pack and info on the Evercade VS Console
Remember to grab the latest firmware here (2.0.2, take a peek at it in action here)
RELEASE LIST (updated October 2022):
RELEASE LIST (updated October 2022):
2023 Releases
xx Toaplan Arcade Collection 2 (2023)
2022 Releases
New hardware:
The Evercade EXP's release date moved to December 15th.
The Evercade EXP will replace the original handheld Evercade model this winter, with two versions available, white for general sale and a black collector's model.
UPDATED: The EXP will come with a built-in Capcom Collection of 18 games including Street Fighter 2, Final Fight, Bionic Commando and many more arcade classics plus the early Mega Man console titles.
New arcade collections:
x Capcom Collection (launching as built-in with the Evercade EXP)
8 Toaplan Collection 1 (Winter 2022)
7 Irem Collection 1 (Winter 2022)
6 Gaelco Arcade 2 (July 2022)
5 Jaleco Arcade 1 (July 2022)
New home computer collections:
New console collections:
28 Indie Heroes Collection 2 (January 2023) - A physical pack of GotM digital indies.
26 Intellivision Collection 2
Arcade collections, launched with the Evercade VS
4 Atari Arcade 1
3 Gaelco Arcade 1
2 Data East Arcade 1
Post-Launch Releases
13 Atari Lynx Collection 1 (Buy here)
09 Piko Interactive Collection 1
08 Mega Cat Studios Collection 1
07 Interplay Collection 2
06 Namco Museum Collection 2
05 Atari Collection 2
04 Interplay Collection 1
03 Data East Collection 1
02 Namco Museum Collection 1
01 Atari Collection 1
Original 2021 post: Now the Evercade news is coming thick and fast, I'll make this the featured post with the release schedule and links to all the collections, firmware versions and other useful information. Down the page are the rumours and suggestions from the community (and me) that would make great future releases.
Blaze asked for feedback about a Homebrew Heroes pack, 89% of voters said yes, with plenty of suggestions for NES and PC homebrews. That resulted in the Indie Heroes Collection 1, a great collection including Alien Cat 2, Doodle World and Deadeus, so make sure Evercade hears your opinions when asked!
The following suggestions came during an Evercade Twitter Q&A
Blaze asked for feedback about a Homebrew Heroes pack, 89% of voters said yes, with plenty of suggestions for NES and PC homebrews. That resulted in the Indie Heroes Collection 1, a great collection including Alien Cat 2, Doodle World and Deadeus, so make sure Evercade hears your opinions when asked!
The following suggestions came during an Evercade Twitter Q&A
UDPATED: And ahead of the second anniversary video event.
Who knows what from the following is possible as Evercade engages with fans and publishers? Or what's just a fun pipe dream:
Taito Collection (New Zealand Story, Arkanoid, Bubble Bobble etc)
Psygnosis Collection (Barbarian, Shadow of the Beast, Obliterator)
Irem Collection (R-Type series) CONFIRMED!
Taoplan Collection (Slap Fight, Flying Shark, Raiden etc) CONFIRMED
Ultracore (the long-lost Mega Drive game)
Bitmap Brothers Collection (such as Speedball, Xenon, Xenon II, GODS) CONFIRMED!
Atari vector Star Wars games (ohh, please!)
Majesco (the two companies are actually talking).
Metal Slug Collection (available on other consoles)
Commander Keen Collection
Taito Collection (New Zealand Story, Arkanoid, Bubble Bobble etc)
Psygnosis Collection (Barbarian, Shadow of the Beast, Obliterator)
Irem Collection (R-Type series) CONFIRMED!
Taoplan Collection (Slap Fight, Flying Shark, Raiden etc) CONFIRMED
Ultracore (the long-lost Mega Drive game)
Bitmap Brothers Collection (such as Speedball, Xenon, Xenon II, GODS) CONFIRMED!
Atari vector Star Wars games (ohh, please!)
Majesco (the two companies are actually talking).
Metal Slug Collection (available on other consoles)
Commander Keen Collection
Wolfenstein/Doom Collection with mods
Some suggestions from the Evercade Discord channel:
Cinemaware Collection (Defender of the Crown etc)
Cave Shooter Collection (Ikaruga please!)
Logical releases based on further editions of current or upcoming collections (games are my dreamlist):
Atari Collection 3
Ms Pac Man
Robotron 2084
Jungle Hunt
Star Wars
Some suggestions from the Evercade Discord channel:
Cinemaware Collection (Defender of the Crown etc)
Cave Shooter Collection (Ikaruga please!)
Logical releases based on further editions of current or upcoming collections (games are my dreamlist):
Atari Collection 3
Ms Pac Man
Robotron 2084
Jungle Hunt
Star Wars
Activision Collection 1
River Raid
Tomcat F-14
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
Jungle Hunt
Namco Collection 3
Rolling Thunder
Pole Position I/II
Tank Force
Final Lap 3
Metal Hawk
Marvel Land
Atari Lynx Collection 3
Road Blasters
Batman Returns
Desert Strike
STUN Runner
Namco Collection 3
Rolling Thunder
Pole Position I/II
Tank Force
Final Lap 3
Metal Hawk
Marvel Land
Atari Lynx Collection 3
Road Blasters
Batman Returns
Desert Strike
STUN Runner