Atari Lynx carts up for pre-order early
Trying to grab those valuable pre-orders from punters ahead of other stores, the likes of FunStock and Amazon US are now taking orders for the Evercade Atari Lynx 1 & 2 Collections, a stellar bundles of games from Atari's first foray into portable game in the days of the Game Gear and Game Boy.
Not sure why they are over-priced on Amazon, got mine from FunStock!
Not sure why they are over-priced on Amazon, got mine from FunStock!
I'll have a piece up on what made the Lynx so special shortly, but for now get ordering, or if you want an Evercade handheld, here's where to look while most stores wait for resupplies in August.
Collection 1 includes the excellent Dracula the Undead adventure plus Awesome Golf, along with a mixed bag of Scrapyard Dog, Basketbrawl, Super Asteroids/Missile Command, Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure, CyberVirus, Gordo 106, Ishido: The Way of Stones, Jimmy Connors Tennis, Loopz, Malibu Bikini Volleyball, MegaPak, Power Factor, Remnant, Super Sqweek and Xump, some of which are later-day indie releases.
Collection 2 is the better looking option, with absolute classics including California Games, Blue Lighting, Chips Challenge Checkered Flag. There's also a fleet of shooters, Todd's Adventures in Slimeworld, Electro Cop, Gates of Zendocon and Zarlor Mercenary.