Where to Find Evercade Handhelds and Games Before They Sell Out

UK in summary (UPDATED: April 2021)

Most retailers have stock back in, games may vary. 

UPDATE: Note that Evercade is appearing in those seasonal must-have Christmas guides which might drive rapid sell outs. 

Amazon UK - stocks of hardware and most titles, (beware, some listings are from price-busting third-parties)
Funstock - Most hardware back in stock
Argos eBay - Starter Pack available, couple of carts left (Click and Collect only)
Argos Online - Premium in stock, Atari Lynx carts on pre-order 
Game - Premium and Starter Packs back in stock, new carts on pre-order

Original June article (links still valid)

The last few Evercade Premium Packs are on the verge of selling out on Amazon UK (update: now sold out), and all Console Packs are already gone on Funstock. That's good news for the future of Evercade as a commercial success and will hopefully mean lots of support from developers and publishers for years to come.

But that's not so good if you want to get hold of one now. If you've missed out check out what's coming and get a pre-order in!

In better news, having dug around, some Starter Packs are still available on Argos's eBay page (plus a couple of the carts for a few pound off on its own online store).

And, of course, some scummy folk are selling new units on eBay at inflated prices - £140, really?

Also, GAME has online stock with 5 carts available, likely due to their costly postage charges. Now stores have reopened, they also have stock.


Other than that, it looks like Canada's VGP is one of the few places left with any decent stocks if you want to import, or are lucky enough to live there. Amazon US now has a shipping date of 18th June, and they do deliver the the UK, but no word on stock availability - all their stock could all be sold out already.


Evercade has a list of global retailers, but the Discord is full of comments about unfulfilled or delayed orders, so stock is likely to be very tight. As for resupplies, according to Funstock and Evercade, the next shipments out of China are due to arrive in August, with a delivery date around the 21st, give or take a few days given the current climate and supply chain situation.